Home » Curriculum Statement » Spanish


Subject intent

We want our students to develop the knowledge, skills and resilience that will enable them to communicate and manipulate language independently.

We encourage our students to develop their confidence in speaking; to be willing to try, make mistakes and learn from them.

We foster classrooms where pupils enjoy learning about languages and other cultures, and hope they chose to pursue further study in the future.



Our curriculum is designed to be cumulative and progressive. The sequencing is carefully thought-out to introduce students to progressively complex grammatical structures, so they can build on their knowledge and develop their ability to independently manipulate the vocabulary, structures and rules they are learning. For example, they are gradually introduced to a wider variety of verb tenses, interspaced with opportunities to revisit and consolidate those they have already learnt to conjugate. Moreover, we foster safe and engaging classrooms which are conducive to pupil participation and memory.
