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Safeguarding Information


John Cabot Academy is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people. It is our expectation that all staff, volunteers and members of the school community share this commitment. Meet the team:

Safeguarding Information

I am a child, and I don’t feel safe.

At the Academy:

  1. Tell a trusted adult. This could be your Tutor, Pastoral Team or a teacher.
  2. Ask to speak to a member of the Academy Safeguarding Team

At home or in the community:

  1. Call and speak to an adult at the Academy on 0117 976 3000.
  2. Email [email protected] (please note this email account is monitored during term-time school hours)
  3. Phone Childline on 0800 11 11 any time day or night. They are happy to speak to you about any worries. The call is free.

If you feel you or another child is in immediate danger, please call 999.


I am an adult and am concerned about a child.

If you are concerned about a child, you can do one of these things:

  1. Report it to the Academy’s Designated Safeguarding Lead (Connie Dunnill) by phoning the school on 0117 976 3000 or emailing [email protected] (please note this email account is monitored during term-time school hours)
  2. Contact either South Gloucestershire’s or Bristol Social Services.

For South Gloucestershire:

01454 866000 ‐ Monday to Friday 9am ‐ 5pm

01454 615165 ‐ Out of hours and at weekends

For Bristol:

0117 903 6444 – Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm

01454 615165 – Out of hours and at weekends

In an emergency, please ring 999

For further information, please go to South Gloucestershire’s or Bristol’s website