Dr Frost Homework Guide
The Dr Frost website is used for half of the Maths homework we set, and has extensive features that allow you to consolidate and improve your Maths learning independently.
When you login to Dr Frost your homepage will look like this:
You can access any homework that your class teacher has set for you in these two places
You can also access work set for you by clicking the menu icon at the top left of the screen, then selecting ‘My Assigned Tasks’.
On the same menu, if you select the ‘Practise’ option, you can complete independent work for yourself:
‘Cleanup’ is a great option to improve work you have already been attempting.
And Practice ‘By Topic’ will give you access to a huge number of topics and questions that you can attempt:
Select Ks3/4 from the left hand side, and you will have access to topics that cover the entire Secondary maths curriculum.
Once you select a topic to work on, you will have the option to begin doing questions straight away.
However, if you want some help on the topic first, you can look at examples or watch videos prior to attempting questions for yourself