Year 6 Transition
Welcome to John Cabot Academy
We are delighted to welcome you to John Cabot Academy. At JCA, we understand that leaving primary school and starting at secondary school can be a worrying time for so many young people and their families, as well as a new exciting phase in your educational journey. We are keen for students to feel as confident and as settled as possible when they join us at JCA.
Please take the opportunity to look through the information below along with the rest of the school website, which has a range of important and useful information to help the transition to secondary school be a smooth one.
By working closely together we will be able to ensure that your children, our students, grow and develop into young people who can fulfil their potential.
Success in education comes as a result of consistent, day in, day out discipline, hard work and attention to detail. Achievement for your child will follow if they focus on following these ‘core basics’ for students:
- Attend school every day and go to every lesson on time
- Wear the correct uniform and bring the correct equipment
- Follow the Ready to Learn behavior system (more information below)
- Be respectful, supportive and compassionate in your relationships with staff and fellow students
- Be inquisitive, critical and curious in your lessons
- Contribute to the wider academy life e.g. by being on the student council or joining a sports team or performing in a production.
These statements are not intended to cover all circumstances but I hope they provide you and your child with the ethos with which we will go about our business at John Cabot Academy. Hopefully, through home and school working together and sticking to these common ‘basics’, we will be able to ensure that all students have the very best chance to thrive academically; flourish and grow as young people.
With best wishes
Kate Willis