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Canteen and Free School Meals

Any money fundraised (e.g. through the sale of uniform) will be available to children in receipt of Free School Meals to pay for 25% of the cost of any school trip, subject to available funding on a first-come, first served basis.

Parents just need to contact [email protected] to make this request.

Canteen Menu – Autumn / Winter


Food can only be purchased by SCOPAY.  Please remember to check if your child’s School Lunch account requires topping up with funds to enable them to purchase food from the canteen.

If you would like to set up alerts so that you will know when their balance is getting low and requires topping up, you can do this by the following:

  • Go to the www.scopay.com website or SCOPAY Mobile App and login with your email and password
  • Select ALERTS at the top right of the screen
  • Tap RECEIVE ALERTS and EMAIL for any alerts you wish to receive
  • Enter an amount to trigger alters when  your balance reaches this level
  • Tap UPDATE

More information on SCOPAY can be found on the Parent Guides

SCOPAY Parent Guide – Alerts

SCOPAY Parent Guide – Making Payments

SCOPAY Parent Guide – Managing Your Account

Free School Meals

Applications and requests for Free School meals can only be made through the South Gloucestershire website.  Once this is approved by the council, they will inform us.

Apply for Free School Meals