John Cabot student wins Young Heroes Award


John Cabot student wins Young Heroes Award


John Cabot Academy is proud to announce that Kardi Tyler, a Year 9 student, has won the prestigious Enterprise Hero Award at the Young Heroes Awards.

Kardi was nominated for the award by the Bristol-based charity Integrate UK. As a young activist and junior trustee of the charity, Kardi has made significant positive changes within his school and the local community. His dedication to social causes and tireless efforts to improve the lives of others exemplify the spirit of the Enterprise Hero Award.

The Young Heroes Awards aim to recognise individuals who have overcome difficult circumstances, made a meaningful difference in the lives of others, and achieved extraordinary feats. Kardi’s work with Integrate UK and his ongoing commitment to activism have earned him this distinguished honour.

A spokesperson for John Cabot Academy said: “Kardi’s dedication to making a positive impact is truly inspiring. He embodies the values we strive to instil in all our students, and we are thrilled to see his hard work and commitment recognised on such a grand scale.”