John Cabot Alumni: Ellis Genge Bristol Bears & England Rugby

John Cabot Alumni: Ellis Genge Bristol Bears & England Rugby John Cabot Alumni: Ellis Genge Bristol Bears & England Rugby John Cabot Alumni: Ellis Genge Bristol Bears & England Rugby

Many of you will know Ellis Genge as a rugby star who has found fame and success with Bristol Bears and the England Rugby international team – but a handful of colleagues will remember him as the perennially late-to-school ‘joker’ who attended John Cabot Academy in his formative years.

And although Ellis has gone on to enjoy significant success in the sporting arena, he remains a friend to his former school, and the wider CLF – as evidenced by his recent support for Lansdown Park Academy.

That is what makes him an ideal inclusion in the trust’s Alumni 15 network, a showcase of successful former pupils designed to help inspire high aspirations among current and future pupils.

Today, we continue showcasing the network a short Q&A with Ellis.

💡Where did you grow up?

I grew up in Knowle West, I went to Knowle Park Primary School. I spent a lot of time playing football with my mates; I thought I was going to be a pro football player.

💡What was your experience of school like?

Average to poor. I don’t think the school environment suited me.
I was fortunate that there were a few teachers who ensured I had the opportunity to play rugby. That helped me stay engaged.

💡Do you remember any of your teachers?
Yes lots, and I keep in touch with a few now. They like their rugby!

💡What advice would you give to your younger self?
Don’t climb the pillar between B wing and C wing – it doesn’t end well!

💡How would your best friends describe you at school/today?
At school: loyal, joker, late.
Now: loyal, antisocial, early.

💡What personal characteristic do you think has helped you navigate your career?
Headstrong, stubborn and never took no for an answer.

If you know of any past pupils who have gone on to notable success in their chosen field, please let CLF Partnerships Manager Andrew Bell know by emailing [email protected].