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Year 10 mock letter – 2024

Monday 17th June 2024

RE: Year 10 mock exams (Friday 21st June – Wednesday 3rd July)

Dear Year 10 Parents and Carers,

The Year 10 mock exam period will take place between Friday 21st June – Wednesday 3rd July. Please see the days and timings of each exam below. For non-core exams, students will be performing their exams based on the option block your child selected their non-core GCSE subjects in. This will mean that all mock exams can be performed in the allotted mock period and reduce the amount of disruption to lessons. All Year 10 students have been given their individual mock timetables which will state the dates and times of each of their exams. Please ask your child to speak with their form tutor or the Year 10 team if they do not have this.

Year 10 mock letter - 2024

Year 10 lunchtime changes (from Friday 21st June)

Year 10 lunchtime will change to an earlier 12:20 – 12:50pm slot from the beginning of the mock period. This will ensure that Year 10 can eat and have a break before they perform their afternoon exams. Year 10 lunch will remain in the 12:20-12:50pm slot for the remainder of the academic year and continue into Year 11.

Supporting your child during the mock exam period

Please support your child in attending and being punctual to school each day during the mock period. This will ensure exams start and end on time and give all students the best chance of being successful. We expect all students to be fully equipped for each mock exam.

Students should have a clear pencil case which includes:

  • At least 2 black pens
  • A pencil
  • A pencil sharpener
  • A rubber
  • (A scientific) calculator
  • Protractor
  • Ruler
  • Compass

We appreciate and understand that the exam period will be a demanding time on our Year 10s. Below are some ways to best prepare your child for their mock exams over the next two weeks:

  1. Familiarise yourself with their mock timetable
  2. Speak with your child about their revision, both at school and home, ensuring they have an ambitious yet realistic revision schedule
  3. Ensure your child maintains a healthy diet and gets enough rest each day
  4. Daily check-ins with your child about how they are feeling and dealing with their exam schedule

Please get in touch with the Year 10 team if you have any questions or require any support during the mock period. We wish your child every success in their mock exams and look forward to supporting them leading into Year 11.

Best regards,

Nathan Richardson

Assistant Principal for Raising Attainment