Charity fundraiser total

Charity fundraiser total

Charity fundraiser total

Earlier this term An awesome £1000.82 was raised with a year 10 cake sale & non-uniform day for Islamic Relief UK and Save the Children UK who supplied aid to those affected by the ongoing conflict in Gaza.

Our students are keen to take action on issues they believe in. It is important that we engage with global issues, particularly conflict which costs lives. It was at our students’ request that we take an opportunity to fundraise for Save the Children and Islamic Relief who are providing humanitarian aid in Gaza to support those who have suffered in the recent conflict.

It is important too that we understand conflict from all perspectives, including those with which we disagree and to encourage students to find out more and to look at the conflict from different sides. That is why in history lessons this week our students will be having a special lesson which examines the origins of the Middle East crisis and explains why we have this conflict today.